Source code for scphylo.datasets._simulate

import math
import random

import anndata as ad
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import scphylo as scp

[docs]def simulate(n_cells=10, n_muts=10, n_clones=3, alpha=0.00001, beta=0.1, missing=0): """Simulate single-cell noisy genotype matrix. This function is using :cite:`OncoNEM`. Parameters ---------- n_cells : :obj:`int`, optional Number of cells, by default 10 n_muts : :obj:`int`, optional Number of mutations, by default 10 n_clones : :obj:`int`, optional Number of clones, by default 3 alpha : :obj:`float`, optional False positive rate, by default 0.00001 beta : :obj:`float`, optional False negative rate, by default 0.1 missing : :obj:`int`, optional Missing entry rate, by default 0 Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A genotype matrix where 0 is absent, 1 is present and 3 is missing. """ # TODO: replace onconem, onconem_is_not_imported = scp.ul.import_rpy2( "oncoNEM", "BiocManager::install('graph')\n" "devtools::install_bitbucket('edith_ross/oncoNEM')\n", ) if onconem_is_not_imported: scp.logg.error("Unable to import a package!") import rpy2.robjects as ro from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri dat = onconem.simulateData( N_cells=n_cells, N_normalContam=0, N_clones=n_clones, N_unobs=0, N_sites=n_muts, FPR=alpha, FNR=beta, p_missing=missing, randomizeOrder=False, ) with ro.conversion.localconverter(ro.default_converter + pandas2ri.converter): dat = ro.conversion.rpy2py(dat.rx2("D")) dat[dat == 2] = 3 df = pd.DataFrame(dat.T, dtype=int) df.columns = [f"mut{x}" for x in df.columns] df.index = [f"cell{x}" for x in df.index] return df
[docs]def add_noise(df_in, alpha, beta, missing): """Add noise to the input genotype matrix. These noise includes: 1) False positive errors (alpha) 2) False negative errors (beta) 3) Missing entry errors (missing) Parameters ---------- df_in : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Input genotype matrix. alpha : :obj:`float` False positive error rate. beta : :obj:`float` False negative error rate. missing : :obj:`float` Missing entry error rate. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A noisy genotype matrix where 0 is absent, 1 is present and 3 is missing. """ def toss(p): return True if random.random() < p else False data = df_in.values n, m = df_in.shape data2 = -1 * np.ones(shape=(n, m)).astype(int) countFP = 0 countFN = 0 countNA = 0 countOneZero = 0 indexNA = [] changedBefore = [] for i in range(n): for j in range(m): indexNA.append([i, j]) countOneZero = countOneZero + 1 random.shuffle(indexNA) nas = math.ceil(countOneZero * missing) for i in range(int(nas)): [a, b] = indexNA[i] changedBefore.append([a, b]) data2[a][b] = 3 countNA = countNA + 1 for i in range(n): for j in range(m): if data2[i][j] != 3: if data[i][j] == 1: if toss(beta): data2[i][j] = 0 countFN = countFN + 1 else: data2[i][j] = data[i][j] elif data[i][j] == 0: if toss(alpha): data2[i][j] = 1 countFP = countFP + 1 else: data2[i][j] = data[i][j] else: scp.logg.error("Wrong Input") #"FNs={countFN}, FPs={countFP}, NAs={countNA}") df_out = pd.DataFrame(data2) df_out.columns = df_in.columns df_out.index = df_in.index = "cellIDxmutID" return df_out
def add_doublets(df_ground, df_noisy, alpha, beta, missing, doublet): df_doublet = df_noisy.copy() doublet_cells = [] for _ in range(int(doublet * df_ground.shape[0])): r1 = np.random.choice(df_ground.index, replace=False, size=1) while r1 in doublet_cells: r1 = np.random.choice(df_ground.index, replace=False, size=1) doublet_cells.append(r1) r2 = np.random.choice(df_ground.index, replace=False, size=1) df_doublet.loc[r1] = 1 * np.logical_or(df_ground.loc[r1], df_ground.loc[r2]) df_doublet.loc[r1] = scp.datasets.add_noise( df_doublet.loc[r1], alpha=alpha, beta=beta, missing=missing ) return df_doublet
[docs]def add_readcount(df_in, mean_coverage=50, seed=None): """Add readcount to the input genotype matrix. Parameters ---------- df_in : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Input genotype matrix. mean_coverage : :obj:`int`, optional The average coverage, by default 50 seed : :obj:`int`, optional The seed for numpy random function, by default None Returns ------- adata : :class:`anndata.AnnData` The genotype data with readcount info contains layers of mutant and total. """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) n, m = df_in.shape I_mtx = df_in.values T_mtx = np.random.binomial(n=mean_coverage, p=0.5, size=(n, m)) R_mtx = np.zeros(I_mtx.shape, dtype=int) for i in range(I_mtx.shape[0]): for j in range(I_mtx.shape[1]): if I_mtx[i, j] == 0: # rr allele R_mtx[i, j] = np.ceil(T_mtx[i, j] * np.random.beta(20, 1)) elif I_mtx[i, j] == 1: if np.random.uniform(0, 1) < 0.5: # aa allele R_mtx[i, j] = np.ceil(T_mtx[i, j] * np.random.beta(1, 20)) else: # ra allele R_mtx[i, j] = np.ceil(T_mtx[i, j] * np.random.beta(20, 20)) elif I_mtx[i, j] == 3: R_mtx[i, j] = 0 T_mtx[i, j] = 0 else: scp.logg.error("Wrong Input") adata = ad.AnnData(df_in, dtype=int) adata.layers["total"] = T_mtx adata.layers["mutant"] = T_mtx - R_mtx return adata