Source code for

import math
import os
import sys
import time

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import scphylo as scp

[docs]def scelestial(df_input): """Solving using Scelestial. Fast and accurate single-cell lineage tree inference based on a Steiner tree approximation algorithm :cite:`Scelestial`. Parameters ---------- df_input : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Input genotype matrix in which rows are cells and columns are mutations. Values inside this matrix show the presence (1), absence (0) and missing entires (3). Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A conflict-free matrix in which rows are cells and columns are mutations. Values inside this matrix show the presence (1) and absence (0). """ executable = scp.ul.executable("scelestial", "Scelestial")"running Scelestial") tmpdir = scp.ul.tmpdirsys(suffix=".scelestial") np.savetxt( f"{}/scelestial.SC.T", df_input.values.T, delimiter="\t", fmt="%1.0f" ) with open(f"{}/scelestial.cellNames", "w") as fout: fout.write("\n".join(df_input.index)) with open(f"{}/scelestial.mutNames", "w") as fout: fout.write("\n".join(df_input.columns)) _convert_input( f"{}/scelestial.SC.T", f"{}/scelestial.input", "/dev/null" ) cmd = ( f"{executable} < {}/scelestial.input > " f"{}/scelestial.tree_clone" ) s_time = time.time() os.system(cmd) e_time = time.time() running_time = e_time - s_time _steiner_to_seq( f"{}/scelestial.tree_clone", f"{}/scelestial.impute", ) _stein_to_clone_tree( f"{}/scelestial.input", f"{}/scelestial.tree_clone", f"{}/scelestial.tree", f"{}/scelestial.clone", ) _clone_tree_to_mu_tree_imput( f"{}/scelestial.tree", f"{}/scelestial.clone", f"{}/scelestial.SC.T", f"{}/scelestial.mutNames", f"{}/scelestial.cellNames", f"{}/scelestial.output", ) tree = nx.DiGraph(nx.nx_pydot.read_dot(f"{}/scelestial.output")) tree = nx.relabel_nodes(tree, lambda x: int(x)) tree.graph["splitter_mut"] = "\n" tree.graph["splitter_cell"] = "\n" tree.add_node(-1, label="root") tree.add_edge(-1, scp.ul.root_id(tree)) for i, e in enumerate(tree.edges()): tree.edges[e]["label"] = f"mut{i}" tree.edges[e]["weight"] = 1 for n in tree.nodes(): if tree.nodes[n]["label"] == '""': tree.nodes[n]["label"] = "––" df = scp.ul.to_cfmatrix(tree) df2 = pd.DataFrame( np.identity(df.shape[0]), index=df.index, columns=[f"mut{x}" for x in range(df.shape[0], 2 * df.shape[0])], dtype=int, ) df_output = df.merge(df2, right_index=True, left_index=True) tmpdir.cleanup() scp.ul.stat(df_output, df_output, 0, 0, running_time) return df_output
def _convert_input(sciteFile_path, imputeFile_path, bpFile_path): sciteFile = open(sciteFile_path) imputeFile = open(imputeFile_path, "w+") bpFile = open(bpFile_path, "w+") seq = [] for line in sciteFile: x = line.strip().split() for i, v in enumerate(x): while i >= len(seq): seq.append([]) seq[i].append(int(v)) loc = len(seq[0]) for i in range(loc): print(f"{i + 1}", end=" ", file=imputeFile) for j in range(len(seq)): s = seq[j][i] if s == 0: ss = "A/A" elif s == 1: ss = "C/C" elif s == 2: ss = "A/C" elif s == 3: ss = "./." else: print(f"OH! {s}") raise ValueError(f"OH! {s}") print(f"{ss}", end=" ", file=imputeFile) print(file=imputeFile) for i in range(loc): print(f"V{i + 1}", end="", file=bpFile) if i != loc - 1: print(",", end="", file=bpFile) print(file=bpFile) for s in seq: first = True for v in s: if v == 3: v = 2 elif v == 2: v = 1 if not first: print(",", end="", file=bpFile) first = False print(f"{v}", end="", file=bpFile) print(file=bpFile) sciteFile.close() imputeFile.close() bpFile.close() def _stein_to_clone_tree( seqSciteFile_path, steinerFile_path, treeFile_path, cloneFile_path ): seqSciteFile = open(seqSciteFile_path) steinerFile = open(steinerFile_path) treeFile = open(treeFile_path, "w+") cloneFile = open(cloneFile_path, "w+") type(seqSciteFile) n = int(steinerFile.readline().strip()) treeNodes = [] cells = [] maxAc = -1 for _ in range(n): line = steinerFile.readline().strip() x = line.split() treeNodes.append(x[0]) if x[1] == "1": cells.append(x[0]) ac = sum(1 for s in x[2] if s == "A") if ac > maxAc: maxAc = ac maxAcLen = len(x[2]) treeRootSeqIdx = int(x[0]) seqIdxToExclude = -1 if maxAcLen == maxAc and 5 < len(sys.argv) and sys.argv[5] == "-exclude-root": seqIdxToExclude = treeRootSeqIdx cells = set(cells) for t in treeNodes: print(t, end=" ", file=cloneFile) if t in cells and t != seqIdxToExclude and int(t) != seqIdxToExclude: print(int(t) + 1, end="", file=cloneFile) if int(t) == treeRootSeqIdx: treeRootCloneIdx = int(t) print(file=cloneFile) print(" ".join(treeNodes), file=treeFile) edges = {} m = int(steinerFile.readline().strip()) for _ in range(m): line = steinerFile.readline().strip() x = line.split() if x[0] not in edges: edges[x[0]] = [] if x[1] not in edges: edges[x[1]] = [] edges[x[0]].append((x[1], x[2])) edges[x[1]].append((x[0], x[2])) mark = {} global dfsNumCounter dfsNumCounter = 0 global dfsNum dfsNum = {} def dfs(v): global dfsNumCounter, dfsNum dfsNum[v] = dfsNumCounter dfsNumCounter += 1 mark[v] = True for (u, _) in edges[v]: if u not in mark: dfs(u) dfs(str(treeRootCloneIdx)) for v, nei in edges.items(): for (u, w) in nei: if v < u: x, y = u, v if dfsNum[v] > dfsNum[u]: x, y = v, u print(f"{x}->{y} {w}", file=treeFile) seqSciteFile.close() steinerFile.close() treeFile.close() cloneFile.close() def _clone_tree_to_mu_tree_imput( treeFileName, cloneFileName, seqFileName, mutationInfoFileName, cellNamesFileName, outputFileName, margeClones=False, markMutations=False, compress=False, markMutationsSeparated=False, ): from graphviz import Digraph from scipy import stats def loadTree(treeFileName): treeFile = open(treeFileName) line = treeFile.readline() vertices = line.strip().split() edges = [] treeParent = {} treeChildren = {} for line in treeFile: (e, w) = line.strip().split(" ") (v, u) = e.split("->") edges.append((v, u, float(w))) treeParent[v] = u if u not in treeChildren: treeChildren[u] = [] treeChildren[u].append((v, float(w))) treeRoot = list(treeParent.keys())[0] while treeRoot in treeParent: treeRoot = treeParent[treeRoot] treeFile.close() return vertices, edges, treeParent, treeChildren, treeRoot def loadClones(cloneFileName): cloneFile = open(cloneFileName) treeNodeCells = {} for line in cloneFile: x = line.strip().split() treeNodeCells[x[0]] = x[1:] cloneFile.close() return treeNodeCells def compressedTree(treeChildren, treeNodeCells, treeRoot): compressedTreeChildren = {} def dfs(v): ret = (None, None) children = [] if v in treeChildren: for u, cw in treeChildren[v]: c, w = dfs(u) if c is not None: w += cw children.append((c, w)) ret = (c, w) if ( (v in treeNodeCells and len(treeNodeCells[v]) > 0) or len(children) > 1 or v == treeRoot ): ret = (v, 0) if ret == (v, 0): compressedTreeChildren[v] = [] for c, cw in children: compressedTreeChildren[v].append((c, cw)) return ret dfs(treeRoot) return compressedTreeChildren def loadSequenceFile(seqFileName): sequences = [] seqFile = open(seqFileName) for line in seqFile: for num, val in enumerate(line.strip().split()): while num >= len(sequences): sequences.append([]) sequences[num].append(int(val)) seqFile.close() return sequences def loadMutationInfoFile(mutationInfoFileName): mutationInfoFile = open(mutationInfoFileName) mutationInfo = [] for line in mutationInfoFile: mutationInfo.append({id: line.strip()}) mutationInfoFile.close() return mutationInfo def writeGraph( outputFileName, treeNodeCells, nodes, edges, treeNodeDescColor, treeEdgeLabel ): dot = Digraph(format="pdf") dot.graph_attr["rankdir"] = "LR" for treeNode in nodes: cells = [] if treeNode in treeNodeCells: cells = treeNodeCells[treeNode] prop = treeNodeDescColor(treeNode, cells) if len(prop) == 2: desc, col, fontcol, fillcol = prop[0], prop[1], "black", "none" else: desc, col, fontcol, fillcol = prop[0], prop[1], prop[2], prop[3] dot.node( treeNode, desc, color=col, fillcolor=fillcol, style="filled", fontcolor=fontcol, gradientangle="0", penwidth="4", shape="circle", margin="0", ) for v, u, w in edges: tup = treeEdgeLabel(v, u, w) if isinstance(tup, tuple): label, edgecol = tup[0], tup[1] else: label, edgecol = tup, "black" dot.edge(u, v, weight=str(w), label=label, color=edgecol) dot.render(outputFileName) def loadFileRows(fileName): f = open(fileName) r = [] for line in f: r.append(line.strip()) f.close() return r def loadCellNames(cellNamesFileName): return loadFileRows(cellNamesFileName) BLUE = "#69c5f0" BLACK = "black" _, edges, _, treeChildren, treeRoot = loadTree(treeFileName) treeNodeCells = loadClones(cloneFileName) sequences = loadSequenceFile(seqFileName) mutationInfo = loadMutationInfoFile(mutationInfoFileName) cellNames = loadCellNames(cellNamesFileName) if margeClones: def sameColon(v, u, w): m = len(sequences[0]) pv = stats.binom_test(w, m, 0.2, alternative="less") print(f"same colon test: {w}/{m} = {pv}") return pv < 0.01 mergeParent = {v: v for v in treeChildren.keys()} toBeMerged = {} for v, childrenDistList in treeChildren.items(): for c, w in childrenDistList: if sameColon(v, c, w): mergeParent[c] = v toBeMerged[c] = True newTreeChildren = {v: [] for v in treeChildren.keys()} newTreeNodeCells = {v: [] for v in treeNodeCells.keys()} def dfs(v, firstKeptNode, wToHere): newTreeNodeCells[firstKeptNode] += treeNodeCells[v] if v in treeChildren: for u, w in treeChildren[v]: if u not in toBeMerged: newTreeChildren[firstKeptNode].append((u, wToHere + w)) dfs(u, u, 0) else: dfs(u, firstKeptNode, wToHere + w) dfs(treeRoot, treeRoot, 0) for v, _ in treeChildren.items(): while mergeParent[mergeParent[v]] != mergeParent[v]: mergeParent[v] = mergeParent[mergeParent[v]] treeNodeCells = newTreeNodeCells treeChildren = newTreeChildren treeNodeMutations = {} def fillTreeNodeMutations(mutIndex=None): def dfs(v): myCellsStar = [] if v in treeNodeCells: myCellsStar += [int(u) - 1 for u in treeNodeCells[v]] if v in treeChildren: for u, _ in treeChildren[v]: myCellsStar = dfs(u) + myCellsStar nodeMutations[v] = [] for i, _ in enumerate(mutationInfo): subTreeNormal, subTreeMutated = 0, 0 for c in myCellsStar: if sequences[c][i] == 0: subTreeNormal += 1 if sequences[c][i] == 1: subTreeMutated += 1 if subTreeMutated > 0: ignoremut = False if v in treeChildren: for u, _ in treeChildren[v]: smi = [ submut for ii, submut, _ in nodeMutations[u] if i == ii ] if len(smi) == 1 and smi[0] == subTreeMutated: ignoremut = True if not ignoremut: nodeMutations[v].append( ( i, subTreeMutated, str(subTreeNormal) + "," + str(len(myCellsStar)), ) ) return myCellsStar nodeMutations = {} dfs(treeRoot) for v, muts in nodeMutations.items(): treeNodeMutations[v] = [ mutationInfo[i][id] + "/" + str(mut) + "," + str(desc) for i, mut, desc in muts if mutIndex is None or i == mutIndex ] if markMutations: fillTreeNodeMutations() nodes = list(treeNodeCells.keys()) if compress: compressedTreeChildren = compressedTree(treeChildren, treeNodeCells, treeRoot) edges = [] for par, cwList in compressedTreeChildren.items(): for c, w in cwList: edges.append((c, par, w)) nodes = list(compressedTreeChildren.keys()) def treeNodeDescColor(treeNode, cells): desc = ", ".join([cellNames[int(c) - 1] for c in cells]) if treeNodeMutations is not None and treeNode in treeNodeMutations: mutations = sorted(set(treeNodeMutations[treeNode])) seqmut = math.sqrt(len(mutations) / 7) if len(mutations) > 0: desc += " [" lastLineLen = 0 for _, mut in enumerate(mutations): desc += mut + " " lastLineLen += 1 if lastLineLen >= seqmut: desc += "\n" lastLineLen = 0 desc += "]" return desc, BLUE, BLACK, BLUE def treeEdgeLabel(v, u, w): return "", "#A2A2A2" if markMutationsSeparated: for i, _ in enumerate(mutationInfo): fillTreeNodeMutations(i) writeGraph( outputFileName + "-" + str(i), treeNodeCells, nodes, edges, treeNodeDescColor, treeEdgeLabel, ) else: writeGraph( outputFileName, treeNodeCells, nodes, edges, treeNodeDescColor, treeEdgeLabel, ) def _steiner_to_seq(steinerFile_path, imputeFile_path): steinerFile = open(steinerFile_path) imputeFile = open(imputeFile_path, "w+") n = int(steinerFile.readline().strip()) treeNodes = [] cells = [] maxAc = -1 seq = [] for _ in range(n): line = steinerFile.readline().strip() x = line.split() treeNodes.append(x[0]) if x[1] == "1": cells.append(x[0]) ac = sum(1 for s in x[2] if s == "A") if ac >= maxAc: maxAc = ac if x[1] == "1": if sum(1 for s in x[3] if s not in {"A", "C"}) > 0: print( f"imputed sequence contains invalid char {x[3]}", file=sys.stderr, ) raise Exception("Invalid imputation") seq.append(x[3]) if len(seq) == 0: exit() for j in range(len(seq[0])): print( " ".join(["0" if s[j] == "A" else "1" for s in seq]), file=imputeFile, ) steinerFile.close() imputeFile.close()