Source code for

import copy
import time

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from Bio.Phylo import BaseTree
from Bio.Phylo.TreeConstruction import DistanceMatrix

import scphylo as scp
from scphylo.external._scistree import run_scistree
from scphylo.external._scprob import run_scprob

# from Bio.Phylo.TreeConstruction import DistanceTreeConstructor

[docs]def scistree(df_input, alpha, beta, n_threads=1, experiment=False): """Solving using ScisTree. Accurate and efficient cell lineage tree inference from noisy single cell data: the maximum likelihood perfect phylogeny approach :cite:`ScisTree`. Parameters ---------- df_input : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Input genotype matrix in which rows are cells and columns are mutations. Values inside this matrix show the presence (1), absence (0) and missing entires (3). alpha : :obj:`float` False positive error rate. beta : :obj:`float` False negative error rate. n_threads : :obj:`int` Number of threads. experiment : :obj:`bool`, optional Is in the experiment mode (the log won't be shown), by default False Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A conflict-free matrix in which rows are cells and columns are mutations. Values inside this matrix show the presence (1) and absence (0). """ if not experiment: f"running ScisTree with alpha={alpha}, beta={beta}, n_threads={n_threads}" ) tmpdir = scp.ul.tmpdirsys(suffix=".scistree") cells = df_input.index snvs = df_input.columns df = df_input.transpose() df = df.replace(3, 0.5) df = df.replace(0, 1 - beta) df = df.replace(1, alpha) file1 = f"{}/scistree.input" = f"HAPLOID {df.shape[0]} {df.shape[1]}" df.to_csv(file1, sep=" ") with open(file1) as ifile: data = with open(file1, "w") as ofile: data = data.replace('"', "") ofile.write(data) cmd = [ "scistree", "-v", "-d", "0", "-e", "-k", f"{n_threads}", "-o", f"{}/scistree.gml", f"{}/scistree.input", ] s_time = time.time() run_scistree(cmd) e_time = time.time() running_time = e_time - s_time data = [] detail = {"cost": "\n"} with open(f"{}/scistree.output") as infile: now_store = False for line in infile: line = line.strip() if "Imputed genotypes:" in line: now_store = True if line[:4] == "Site" and now_store: line = "".join(line.split(":")[1]) line = line.replace("\t", "") data.append([int(x) for x in line.split(" ")]) if "current cost: " in line: cost = float(line.split("current cost: ")[1].split(", opt tree: ")[0]) detail["cost"] += f" current best cost = {cost}\n" data = np.array(data) matrix_output = data.T df_output = pd.DataFrame(matrix_output) df_output.columns = snvs df_output.index = cells = "cellIDxmutID" tmpdir.cleanup() if not experiment: scp.ul.stat(df_input, df_output, alpha, beta, running_time) return df_output else: return df_output, running_time
def rscistree(adata, alpha=0, beta=0, n_threads=1, mode="haploid"): """Solving using read-count ScisTree. Accurate and efficient cell lineage tree inference from noisy single cell data: the maximum likelihood perfect phylogeny approach :cite:`ScisTree`. Parameters ---------- adata : :class:`anndata.AnnData` Input data contains layers of mutant and total. alpha : :obj:`float` False positive error rate. beta : :obj:`float` False negative error rate. n_threads : :obj:`int` Number of threads. mode : :obj:`str` Mode of calculating the probability from read-count. In {'haploid', 'ternary'}, by default haploid experiment : :obj:`bool`, optional Is in the experiment mode (the log won't be shown), by default False Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A conflict-free matrix in which rows are cells and columns are mutations. Values inside this matrix show the presence (1) and absence (0). """"running rScisTree with n_threads={n_threads}, mode={mode}") tmpdir = scp.ul.tmpdirsys(suffix=".rscistree", dirname=".") cells = adata.obs_names snvs = adata.var_names df_input = adata.to_df() V = adata.layers["mutant"] R = adata.layers["total"] - V with open(f"{}/rscistree.counts", "w") as fout: fout.write(f"{mode.upper()} {len(snvs)} {len(cells)}\n") for j in range(len(snvs)): for i in range(len(cells)): fout.write(f"{R[i,j]} {V[i,j]} ") fout.write("\n") cmd = [ "scprob", f"{}/rscistree.counts", ] if mode.lower() == "haploid": cmd += ["0"] elif mode.lower() == "ternary": cmd += ["1"] else: scp.logg.error("Wrong mode!") run_scprob(cmd) cmd = [ "scistree", "-v", "-d", "0", "-e", "-k", f"{n_threads}", "-o", f"{}/rscistree.gml", f"{}/rscistree.input", ] s_time = time.time() run_scistree(cmd) e_time = time.time() running_time = e_time - s_time data = [] detail = {"cost": "\n"} with open(f"{}/rscistree.output") as infile: now_store = False for line in infile: line = line.strip() if "Imputed genotypes:" in line: now_store = True if line[:4] == "Site" and now_store: line = "".join(line.split(":")[1]) line = line.replace("\t", "") data.append([int(x) for x in line.split(" ")]) if "current cost: " in line: cost = float(line.split("current cost: ")[1].split(", opt tree: ")[0]) detail["cost"] += f" current best cost = {cost}\n" data = np.array(data) matrix_output = data.T df_output = pd.DataFrame(matrix_output) df_output.columns = snvs df_output.index = cells = "cellIDxmutID" tmpdir.cleanup() scp.ul.stat(df_input, df_output, alpha, beta, running_time) return df_output def iscistree(df_input, alpha, beta, n_iters=np.inf): """Solving using my own implementation of ScisTree. Accurate and efficient cell lineage tree inference from noisy single cell data: the maximum likelihood perfect phylogeny approach :cite:`ScisTree`. Parameters ---------- df_input : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Input genotype matrix in which rows are cells and columns are mutations. Values inside this matrix show the presence (1), absence (0) and missing entires (3). alpha : :obj:`float` False positive error rate. beta : :obj:`float` False negative error rate. n_iters : :obj:`int` Number of iterations to search for the neighboring trees, by default inf. experiment : :obj:`bool`, optional Is in the experiment mode (the log won't be shown), by default False Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A conflict-free matrix in which rows are cells and columns are mutations. Values inside this matrix show the presence (1) and absence (0). """ f"running iScisTree with alpha={alpha}, beta={beta}, n_iters={n_iters}" ) def get_initial_tree(D): Q = [] for i in range(D.shape[0]): Q.append(list(D[i, : i + 1])) dm = DistanceMatrix(names=[f"{i}" for i in range(D.shape[0])], matrix=Q) tree = nj(dm) node = None for clade in tree.find_clades(): if == f"{D.shape[0]-1}": node = clade tree.root_with_outgroup(node) tree.prune(f"{D.shape[0]-1}") return tree def denoise_linear(I_mtr, alpha, beta, opt_tree): tree = {} for clade in list(opt_tree.find_clades(order="level"))[::-1]: children = list(clade.find_clades(order="level")) if len(children) > 2: child_l = children[2] child_r = children[1] tree[] = [,] else: tree[] = [] def get_cells_in_best(cells_in_best, best): for node in tree[best]: if "Inner" in node: for child in tree[node]: get_cells_in_best(cells_in_best, child) else: cells_in_best.append(node) if "Inner" not in best: cells_in_best.append(best) output = np.zeros(I_mtr.shape, dtype=int) total_cost = 0 for c in range(I_mtr.shape[1]): qs = {} best = None best_v = 0 for k, v in tree.items(): if len(v) == 0: obs = I_mtr[int(k), c] == 1 p0 = (1 - obs) * (1 - beta) + obs * alpha qs[k] = np.log((1 - p0) / p0) else: qs[k] = qs[v[0]] + qs[v[1]] if qs[k] > best_v: best = k best_v = qs[k] cells_in_best = [] get_cells_in_best(cells_in_best, best) output[list(map(int, cells_in_best)), c] = 1 total_cost += -best_v return output, total_cost def get_neighbors(tree): """ Return neighbors. For a tree with n taxa, there are n - 3 internal branches. Thus there are 2(n - 3) NNI rearrangements for any tree """ # make child to parent dict parents = {} for clade in tree.find_clades(): if clade != tree.root: node_path = tree.get_path(clade) # cannot get the parent if the parent is root. Bug? if len(node_path) == 1: parents[clade] = tree.root else: parents[clade] = node_path[-2] neighbors = [] root_childs = [] for clade in tree.get_nonterminals(order="level"): if clade == tree.root: left = clade.clades[0] right = clade.clades[1] root_childs.append(left) root_childs.append(right) if not left.is_terminal() and not right.is_terminal(): # make changes around the left_left clade # left_left = left.clades[0] left_right = left.clades[1] right_left = right.clades[0] right_right = right.clades[1] # neightbor 1 (left_left + right_right) del left.clades[1] del right.clades[1] left.clades.append(right_right) right.clades.append(left_right) temp_tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) neighbors.append(temp_tree) # neighbor 2 (left_left + right_left) del left.clades[1] del right.clades[0] left.clades.append(right_left) right.clades.append(right_right) temp_tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) neighbors.append(temp_tree) # change back (left_left + left_right) del left.clades[1] del right.clades[0] left.clades.append(left_right) right.clades.insert(0, right_left) elif clade in root_childs: # skip root child continue else: # method for other clades # make changes around the parent clade left = clade.clades[0] right = clade.clades[1] parent = parents[clade] if clade == parent.clades[0]: sister = parent.clades[1] # neighbor 1 (parent + right) del parent.clades[1] del clade.clades[1] parent.clades.append(right) clade.clades.append(sister) temp_tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) neighbors.append(temp_tree) # neighbor 2 (parent + left) del parent.clades[1] del clade.clades[0] parent.clades.append(left) clade.clades.append(right) temp_tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) neighbors.append(temp_tree) # change back (parent + sister) del parent.clades[1] del clade.clades[0] parent.clades.append(sister) clade.clades.insert(0, left) else: sister = parent.clades[0] # neighbor 1 (parent + right) del parent.clades[0] del clade.clades[1] parent.clades.insert(0, right) clade.clades.append(sister) temp_tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) neighbors.append(temp_tree) # neighbor 2 (parent + left) del parent.clades[0] del clade.clades[0] parent.clades.insert(0, left) clade.clades.append(right) temp_tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) neighbors.append(temp_tree) # change back (parent + sister) del parent.clades[0] del clade.clades[0] parent.clades.insert(0, sister) clade.clades.insert(0, left) return neighbors def nj(distance_matrix): # make a copy of the distance matrix to be used dm = copy.deepcopy(distance_matrix) # init terminal clades clades = [BaseTree.Clade(None, name) for name in dm.names] # init node distance node_dist = [0] * len(dm) # init minimum index min_i = 0 min_j = 0 inner_count = 0 # special cases for Minimum Alignment Matrices if len(dm) == 1: root = clades[0] return BaseTree.Tree(root, rooted=False) elif len(dm) == 2: # minimum distance will always be [1,0] min_i = 1 min_j = 0 clade1 = clades[min_i] clade2 = clades[min_j] clade1.branch_length = dm[min_i, min_j] / 2.0 clade2.branch_length = dm[min_i, min_j] - clade1.branch_length inner_clade = BaseTree.Clade(None, "Inner") inner_clade.clades.append(clade1) inner_clade.clades.append(clade2) clades[0] = inner_clade root = clades[0] return BaseTree.Tree(root, rooted=False) while len(dm) > 2: # calculate nodeDist for i in range(0, len(dm)): node_dist[i] = 0 for j in range(0, len(dm)): node_dist[i] += dm[i, j] node_dist[i] = node_dist[i] / (len(dm) - 2) # find minimum distance pair min_dist = dm[1, 0] - node_dist[1] - node_dist[0] min_i = 0 min_j = 1 for i in range(1, len(dm)): for j in range(0, i): temp = dm[i, j] - node_dist[i] - node_dist[j] if min_dist > temp: min_dist = temp min_i = i min_j = j # create clade clade1 = clades[min_i] clade2 = clades[min_j] inner_count += 1 inner_clade = BaseTree.Clade(None, "Inner" + str(inner_count)) inner_clade.clades.append(clade1) inner_clade.clades.append(clade2) # assign branch length clade1.branch_length = ( dm[min_i, min_j] + node_dist[min_i] - node_dist[min_j] ) / 2.0 clade2.branch_length = dm[min_i, min_j] - clade1.branch_length if clade1.branch_length < 0: clade1.branch_length = 0 if clade2.branch_length < 0: clade2.branch_length = 0 # update node list clades[min_j] = inner_clade del clades[min_i] # rebuild distance matrix, # set the distances of new node at the index of min_j for k in range(0, len(dm)): if k != min_i and k != min_j: dm[min_j, k] = ( dm[min_i, k] + dm[min_j, k] - dm[min_i, min_j] ) / 2.0 dm.names[min_j] = "Inner" + str(inner_count) del dm[min_i] # set the last clade as one of the child of the inner_clade root = None if clades[0] == inner_clade: clades[0].branch_length = 0 clades[1].branch_length = dm[1, 0] clades[0].clades.append(clades[1]) root = clades[0] else: clades[0].branch_length = dm[1, 0] clades[1].branch_length = 0 clades[1].clades.append(clades[0]) root = clades[1] return BaseTree.Tree(root, rooted=False) cells = list(df_input.index) snvs = list(df_input.columns) I_mtr = df_input.values s_time = time.time() Ip = np.vstack([I_mtr, np.zeros(I_mtr.shape[1])]) # add root with profile zero scp.logg.debug("now calculating distance!", time=True) dist = scp.ul.dist_l1_ignore_na(Ip) scp.logg.debug("distance is done!", time=True) opt_tree = get_initial_tree(dist) # opt_subtrees = get_subtrees(opt_tree) # opt_O, opt_cost = denoise_quadratic(I, alpha, beta, opt_subtrees) scp.logg.debug("init tree!", time=True) opt_O, opt_cost = denoise_linear(I_mtr, alpha, beta, opt_tree)"current best cost =", opt_cost, time=True) n_iter = 1 is_done = False already_seen = set() already_seen.add(str(opt_tree)) while not is_done and n_iter < n_iters: is_done = True neighbors = get_neighbors(opt_tree) for nbr_tree in neighbors: if str(nbr_tree) in already_seen: continue else: already_seen.add(str(nbr_tree)) # nbr_subtrees = get_subtrees(nbr_tree) # nbr_O, nbr_cost = denoise_quadratic(I, alpha, beta, nbr_subtrees) nbr_O, nbr_cost = denoise_linear(I_mtr, alpha, beta, nbr_tree) if nbr_cost < opt_cost: opt_tree = nbr_tree # opt_subtrees = nbr_subtrees opt_O = nbr_O opt_cost = nbr_cost is_done = False"current best cost =", nbr_cost, time=True) n_iter += 1 e_time = time.time() running_time = e_time - s_time df_output = pd.DataFrame(opt_O) df_output.columns = snvs df_output.index = cells = "cellIDxmutID" scp.ul.stat(df_input, df_output, alpha, beta, running_time) return df_output