Source code for scphylo.ul._trees

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import scphylo as scp

[docs]def to_tree(df): """Convert a conflict-free matrix to a tree object. This function converts a conflict-free matrix to a tree object in which nodes are labled with cells and edges are lables with mutations. The root is labled by 'root'. Mutations are seperated by `.graph['splitter_mut']` and cells are seperated by `.graph['splitter_cell']`. Those mutations that are not present in any cell are stored in `.graph['become_germline']`. Mutations happed once during the evolution so there is no repetitive mutation. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A genotype dataframe in which rows are cells and columns are mutations. Note that this dataframe must be conflict-free. Returns ------- :class:`networkx.DiGraph` A perfect phylogenetic tree. """ if not scp.ul.is_conflict_free_gusfield(df): scp.logg.error("The input is not conflict-free!") def _contains(col1, col2): for i in range(len(col1)): if not col1[i] >= col2[i]: return False return True tree = nx.DiGraph() tree.graph["data"] = df tree.graph["splitter_mut"] = "\n" tree.graph["splitter_cell"] = "\n" tree.graph["become_germline"] = df.columns[(df == 0).all(axis=0)] matrix = df.values names_mut = list(df.columns) i = 0 while i < matrix.shape[1]: j = i + 1 while j < matrix.shape[1]: if np.array_equal(matrix[:, i], matrix[:, j]): matrix = np.delete(matrix, j, 1) x = names_mut.pop(j) names_mut[i] += tree.graph["splitter_mut"] + x j -= 1 j += 1 i += 1 # rows = matrix.shape[0] cols = matrix.shape[1] dimensions = np.sum(matrix, axis=0) indices = np.argsort(dimensions) dimensions = np.sort(dimensions) names_mut = [names_mut[indices[i]] for i in range(cols)] tree.add_node(cols) tree.add_node(cols - 1) tree.add_edge(cols, cols - 1, label=names_mut[cols - 1]) node_mud = {} node_mud[names_mut[cols - 1]] = cols - 1 i = cols - 2 while i >= 0: if dimensions[i] == 0: break attached = False for j in range(i + 1, cols): if _contains(matrix[:, indices[j]], matrix[:, indices[i]]): tree.add_node(i) tree.add_edge(node_mud[names_mut[j]], i, label=names_mut[i]) node_mud[names_mut[i]] = i attached = True break if not attached: tree.add_node(i) tree.add_edge(cols, i, label=names_mut[i]) node_mud[names_mut[i]] = i i -= 1 tumor_cells = [] clusters = {cols: "root"} for node in tree: if node == cols: tree.nodes[node]["label"] = "root" continue untilnow_mut = [] sp = nx.shortest_path(tree, cols, node) for i in range(len(sp) - 1): untilnow_mut += tree.get_edge_data(sp[i], sp[i + 1])["label"].split( tree.graph["splitter_mut"] ) untilnow_cell = df.loc[ (df[untilnow_mut] == 1).all(axis=1) & (df[[x for x in df.columns if x not in untilnow_mut]] == 0).all(axis=1) ].index if len(untilnow_cell) > 0: clusters[node] = f"{tree.graph['splitter_cell'].join(untilnow_cell)}" tumor_cells += list( y for y in tree.graph["splitter_cell"].join(untilnow_cell) ) else: clusters[node] = "––" tree.nodes[node]["label"] = clusters[node] tree.graph["normal_cells"] = df[df.sum(axis=1) == 0].index tree.graph["root_id"] = cols i = 1 for k, v in clusters.items(): if v == "––": clusters[k] = i * "––" i += 1 return tree
[docs]def to_cfmatrix(tree): """Convert phylogenetic tree to conflict-free matrix. This function converts a phylogenetic tree in which mutations are at edges and cells are at nodes to a conflict-free matrix where rows are cells, columns are mutations and each entry is either zero or one representing the absence or presence of the mutation in the cell. Parameters ---------- tree : :class:`networkx.DiGraph` The phylogenetic tree. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` The conflict-free matrix. """ mutations = [] cells = [] for _, v, lable in tree.edges(data=True): mutations += lable["label"].split(tree.graph["splitter_mut"]) if "––" not in tree.nodes[v]["label"]: cells += tree.nodes[v]["label"].split(tree.graph["splitter_cell"]) df = pd.DataFrame(0, index=cells, columns=mutations) root = scp.ul.root_id(tree) leaves = [x for x in tree.nodes if tree.out_degree(x) == 0] for leaf in leaves: nodes = nx.dijkstra_path(tree, root, leaf) mut = [] for first, second in zip(nodes, nodes[1:]): mut += tree.edges[(first, second)]["label"].split( tree.graph["splitter_mut"] ) if len(mut) != len(set(mut)): print(tree.edges[(first, second)]["label"]) return mut if "––" not in tree.nodes[second]["label"]: cell = tree.nodes[second]["label"].split(tree.graph["splitter_cell"]) df.loc[cell, mut] = 1 return df
[docs]def to_mtree(tree): """Convert the phylogenetic tree to mutation tree. Parameters ---------- tree : :class:`networkx.DiGraph` The phylogenetic tree in which cells are in nodes and mutations are at edges. Returns ------- :class:`networkx.DiGraph` The mutation tree in which mutations are in nodes. """ tree2 = nx.DiGraph() for u, v, l in"label"): if tree.in_degree(u) == 0: tree2.add_node(u, label="root") muts = l.split(tree.graph["splitter_mut"]) tree2.add_node(v, label=muts) tree2.add_edge(u, v) return tree2
def _to_newick(tree): def _children(at): return list(n for n in tree.neighbors(at)) root = scp.ul.root_id(tree) def _newick_recursive(node_id): node_ids = _children(node_id) if len(node_ids) == 0: cells = tree.nodes[node_id]["label"].split(tree.graph["splitter_cell"]) return "(" + ",".join(cells) + f")Node{node_id+1}" elif len(node_ids) > 0: cells = tree.nodes[node_id]["label"].split(tree.graph["splitter_cell"]) if not ("––" in cells or "root" in cells): return ( "(" + ",".join(cells) + "," + ",".join([_newick_recursive(node_id) for node_id in node_ids]) + f")Node{node_id+1}" ) else: return ( "(" + ",".join([_newick_recursive(node_id) for node_id in node_ids]) + f")Node{node_id+1}" ) else: return None newick = _newick_recursive(root) + ";" return newick def _split_labels(tree1, tree2): def _which_muts_must_be_splited(tree): muts = [] rid = scp.ul.root_id(tree) for n1 in tree.nodes: if n1 != rid: if len(tree.nodes[n1]["label"]) >= 2: muts += tree.nodes[n1]["label"] return muts def _sorted_muts(tree): root_guide = scp.ul.root_id(tree) guide = [ y for x in nx.algorithms.bfs_tree(tree, root_guide).nodes for y in tree.nodes[x]["label"] ] return guide def _splitter_helper(mt, muts_guide): root = scp.ul.root_id(mt) nodes = list(mt.nodes) latest_node = root removing = [] for node in nodes: muts = mt.nodes[node]["label"] if len(muts) > 1 and node != root: parent = list(mt.predecessors(node))[-1] if mt.out_degree(node) != 0: children = list(mt.successors(node)) else: children = -1 muts = sorted(muts, key=lambda i: muts_guide.index(i)) removing.append(node) for i, x in enumerate(muts): latest_node += 1 mt.add_node(latest_node, label=x) if i == 0: mt.add_edge(parent, latest_node) elif i == len(muts) - 1: if children != -1: mt.add_edge(latest_node - 1, latest_node) for child in children: mt.add_edge(latest_node, child) else: mt.add_edge(latest_node - 1, latest_node) else: mt.add_edge(latest_node - 1, latest_node) else: if node != root: mt.nodes[node]["label"] = mt.nodes[node]["label"][0] for node in removing: mt.remove_node(node) return mt muts1 = _which_muts_must_be_splited(tree1) muts2 = _which_muts_must_be_splited(tree2) muts_c = sorted(np.intersect1d(muts1, muts2)) guide1 = _sorted_muts(tree1) guide2 = _sorted_muts(tree2) muts_12 = sorted(np.setdiff1d(muts1, muts2), key=lambda i: guide2.index(i)) muts_21 = sorted(np.setdiff1d(muts2, muts1), key=lambda i: guide1.index(i)) mt_tree1 = _splitter_helper(tree1.copy(), muts_c + muts_12) mt_tree2 = _splitter_helper(tree2.copy(), muts_c + muts_21) return mt_tree1, mt_tree2 def _to_apted(sl_tree): def _children(at): return list(n for n in sl_tree.neighbors(at)) def _apted_recursive(node): subgs = "{" + sl_tree.nodes[node]["label"] nodes = _children(node) for node in nodes: if len(_children(node)) > 0: subgs += _apted_recursive(node) else: subgs += "{" + sl_tree.nodes[node]["label"] + "}" return subgs + "}" root = scp.ul.root_id(sl_tree) return _apted_recursive(root) def root_id(tree): for x in tree.nodes: if tree.in_degree(x) == 0: return x return None def partition_cells(tree, node): nd = tree.graph["splitter_cell"].join(node) cells = [] for x in list(nx.algorithms.traversal.depth_first_search.dfs_tree(tree, nd).nodes): for y in x.split(", "): if "–" not in y: cells.append(y) cells = np.array(cells) return cells, np.setdiff1d(tree.graph["data"].index, cells) def cells_rooted_at(tree, node_id): muts = tree.graph["mutation_list"][tree.graph["mutation_list"].Node == node_id] if muts.index.shape[0] == 0: return np.array([]) cells = (tree.graph["data"][muts.index] == 1).all(axis=1) cells = np.array(tree.graph["data"].loc[cells].index) return cells # , np.setdiff1d(tree.graph["data"].index, cells) def muts_rooted_at(tree, node_id): muts = tree.graph["mutation_list"][tree.graph["mutation_list"].Node == node_id] if muts.index.shape[0] == 0: return np.array([]) muts = muts.index.tolist() nd = int(node_id.replace("[", "").replace("]", "")) paths = nx.algorithms.traversal.depth_first_search.dfs_tree(tree, nd).nodes sub_tree = nx.subgraph(tree, paths) for _, _, label in"label"): muts += label.split(tree.graph["splitter_mut"]) return np.array(muts) def is_leaf(tree, node): return "––" not in tree.nodes[node]["label"] and tree.in_degree(node) != 0